Monday, October 15, 2007


For anyone who might view this blog. Why do staff not put real names on their blogs? I can understand it if you're "out" in the blogosphere, commenting on lots of different topics. But this is for our library project. I personally don't want to comment to a nameless (therefore meaningless) blogger.

Can anyone help me here?


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thing 10

Well, I'm finished. I started Thing 10 last Thursday and lots of trouble downloading. Chris Rich took a look for me and couldn't find an error - but after 40 minutes I decided to decide to stop the entire session. Everything seemed to be slow at this time.

I tried again this morning and was successful.
What aspect of the website did I most like? The catalog! I wonder why. I love that you can just look in the catalog and things are so easy - very easy to dowload.

I'm so happy to be finished with my 10 Things. It's a nice feeling - sense of accomplishment. And I'm terrifically happy to be able to go back to cataloging, etc.

Good job, 10 Things Team!!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thing 9

I like the Google tools. The ability to copy the text and paste it in the email is nice.
The Common Craft tape was very informative as well.

Why are we all so tied to Microsoft?


Thing 8

I liked this task. I just edited the Favorite TV shows and touted my favorite pundit, Keith Olbermann (how boring am I?).

I have lots of radical trust - there will always be random problems, but for the most part I trust the sites, etc. that I go to.

I really like Wikipedia. Tom Johanson gave me a tip there. When we catalog graphic novels, oftentimes, the author is not in LC's authority file. So, to find out more about the author, we go to Wikipedia, where we generally find the country the author lives in (important data for classification numbers). God, I am BORING!!


Thing 7

OK, just finished Thing 7. Denver Public Library has some really interesting podcasts. I listened to those, as well as podcasts from a couple of my favorite political analysts.

I chose to keep Jerey Frumkin's keynote podcast from the LITA Forum '07.

I think podcasting would be useful - I like the book reviews - short and sweet. It would also be nice to share lots of conference speakers' thoughts and ideas.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thing 6

This was definitely one of the easier tasks.

"Tagging" is the most useful term for the library. With Web 2.0 we better know what it means.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thing 5

Yesterday, I spent mega time on Thing 5. My dog pictures are in Flickr - problem is I went into Flickr through my Yahoo account. So, the pictures are adorable, but I'm not able to send them. Hopefully, by next week this will work. I did spend at least 2 hrs. - waaaay too much time. This is becoming an obsessive compulsive thing. I want to finish all these THINGS now!! I don't like things hanging over my head.
October 3, 2007 8:05 AM

Today, Ruth came in (I think the Team is on a rotating basis with me) and helped me get my picture over. It's really cute - look at it. My daughter Kerry's dog, Frank.

Thing 4

I've just completed Thing 4. I joined EON (for 50+ people). I then joined the group Librarians, which only has 5 members - but maybe some of you people would like to join as well? I don't know, Suzy immediately wanted to be my friend. I have way too much work to do for this - even though it's interesting. Onward and upward
October 2, 2007 9:22 AM

Thing 3

Well, Thing 3 took a helluva long time. Thanks to Jenn for helping me out here. I think I will never work again. When I'd go into "launch talk" session from the information page it wouldn't work. So, I had to go in via the browser...and on and on and on. JTLYK there may be problems. BOTOH, it's a learning process.

Thing 2

I completed Thing 2, but right now I can't find the damned feeds. I'll keep looking.

I found my RSS feeds. This did take a while - about 70 minutes. I know there has to be a quicker way to cut & paste. Anyway, I have 6 feeds. Only 1 is library-related. As I come across more, I will add them. A part of me feels that now, not only do we have email via the Library, but also gmail, blogs and RSS feeds. Will we ever work again?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Thing 1

I'm so excited to be doing Thing 1.

I have to admit, being an aging librarian (and I know there's many of you out there), this wasn't high priority on my list. But it's all part of becoming more aware of Web 2.0.

My children will be so proud.